| | Upstream prevention means addressing systemic drivers of inequitable health outcomes. Drivers of health inequities include racism, income inequality, and underrepresentation in the medical field. These negatively impact many thousands of Connecticut residents, particularly people of color, preventing them from being their healthiest selves. HES advocates for intentionally centering racial equity in all public policy until equity in health outcomes is a reality. | | | | | | | On March 28th, 2022, a public hearing included S.B. 476, which advances health equity through stronger community benefit standards in CT., & H.B. 5500, which establishes a doula advisory committee through the Department of Public Health to establish a doula certification process! HES’ testimony is regularly updated here , where you can also find our policy agenda—interested in a specific policy? Have a question? Please reach out. | | | | | The HES Advantage is Here! The HES Advantage is an equity-driven training and consulting social enterprise that builds on the great work of Health Equity Solutions. It provides consultation services for diverse community-based organizations, agencies, health systems, providers, and educational institutions that include meeting planning and facilitation, equity-based training and workshops, and equity assessment and advising that will shape policy, programs, and practice. Health Equity Solutions was selected to participate in the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving’s Social Enterprise Accelerator (SEA) program in partnership with the Sara Leonard Group and No Margin, No Mission. Our goal is to raise $126,180. We can reach this with your help, in addition to a dollar-for-dollar match program of up to a total of $20,000 from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving; we will get there in no time! Here is our outlined milestone timeline and what the start-up funds will cover: | | | If you are interested in giving and would like more information about our enterprise, The HES Advantage, please email Kevin Collins at kcollins@hesct.org to set up a zoom or phone call. Here are the links to the Fast Pitch Slide Deck and our donor portal to donate to our start-up cost for The HES Advantage. Thank you, and we look forward to partnering with you! | | | | Health Equity Week 2022 Governor Ned Lamont proclaimed the week of April 3 - April 9, 2022, Health Equity Week. Health Equity Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness and start conversations about advancing health equity throughout the state of Connecticut. This week recognizes Connecticut's commitment to ensuring that all people achieve optimal health regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, or socioeconomic status. There are lots of opportunities to get involved. Raise awareness, join events, join the conversation on social media and contribute to the evolving framework: Connecticut's Path to Equity. | | |  | -
Activating the Path to Equity: Monday, April 4th, 2022 from 6:00 PM. Conversations about CT’s Path to Equity with advocates and health care providers who are putting this path into action. Register here. -
Advocacy from Where You Sit: Wednesday, April 6th,2022 at 6:00 PM. An interactive workshop on what advocacy is, how it can be used as a tool for change, who is an advocate, and when to advocate. Learn how you can tell your story in a way that persuades policymakers to make decisions that support health equity & hear from key experts in Connecticut! Register here. -
Health Care Access & Affordability: Thursday, April 7th, 2022 at 6:30 PM. Join us as we discuss improving access to health care and making health care more affordable! Learn how you can take action this legislative session, and how we can work together to improve access and affordability in CT! Hear from key experts on how we can build a better community together! Facebook Live here! Visit our Bonfire Store Support our newest product fundraiser - #HEW2022 MUGS! A special shoutout to HES staffers Dashni Sathasivam and Harley Webley, who designed the mugs. They collaborated and designed a beautiful logo that embodies Health Equity Solutions and the "The Good Trouble" we love to get into. "Good Trouble" pays homage to the late Civil Rights Activist John Lewis. | |  | Other Information The Commission on Racial Equity in Public Health met on March 28! Details from that meeting can be found here. Join FAVOR’s Learning & Leadership Academy (FLLA) on Tuesday, April 5th, at 5:30 PM for “How to Be Your Child’s Best Advocate”, a virtual workshop for parents and caregivers. A Spanish-speaking workshop will be available on Wednesday, April 27th at 4:30 PM. Click here to register. View the flyer below for more information. | |  | | | | If you are having an event and would like HES to partner, please email us at info@hesct.org. | | | | | | HES is a non-profit organization located in Connecticut. Our mission is to promote policies, programs, and practices that result in equitable access to health care, increased quality in the delivery of health care, and improved health outcomes for Connecticut residents. | | | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | | | |