| | "There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we don’t live single-issue lives.” - Audre Lorde | |  | Kimberlé Crenshaw introduced the framework of intersectionality to describe the experience of having overlapping identities, particularly those subject to oppression. For example, the experience of being a person who identifies as both Black and female or as transgender, having a disability, and Latino/a. Intersectionality promotes open discussion of differences within and between identity groups. Acknowledging the differences within demographic groups is critical to understanding health equity and implementing change. | | | | | | | -
The next state legislative session begins on February 8, 2023. Meanwhile, all members of the Connecticut General Assembly are up for re/election in November. Have a question? Please reach out. -
Pledge to vote for #HealthEquity this election! Make health equity and health care a factor in your decision when voting. As a health equity voter, you pledge to take action on health equity by LEARNING candidates' positions, RAISING HEALTH EQUITY at candidate forums, & RECRUITING other health equity voters. -
For important voter information, please click here. | | | | | -
Check this out! On July 19, Hulu released "Aftershock." This documentary "chronicles the aftermath of [Black women's] tragic deaths through their partners & families, activists, & birth workers, all exposing the disproportionate number of Black women failed annually by the U.S. maternal health system. -
We are gearing up to share action steps for policymakers & CT residents who care about equity! STAY TUNED for an updated Path to Equity with detailed policy recommendations soon. -
Community Conversations are Here! - Want to learn which health equity issues are most important to you and how you can be a part of creating change.
- Let’s talk about it! What resources are most important to ensure that you and your community are as healthy as possible? And how do you want to be an agent of change? Didn’t have a chance to join a community conversation yet? Please share your thoughts in this survey!
- Questions? Please contact our Policy & Communications Specialist, Harley Webley, at hwebley@hesct.org.
| | | If you are having an event and would like HES to partner, please email us at info@hesct.org. | | | HES Spotlight Please join the HES team in recognizing our Policy Intern, Chinye, who has been a part of the HES team this summer. Chinye is closing out her internship with the Policy team later this month! Thank you, Chinye, and we wish you the absolute best in your next endeavor! | |  | | | Please join us on Friday, July 29, 4-7 PM, to celebrate Tekisha Dwan Everette, Ph.D., as she takes on a new adventure! Join us here to send best wishes! To RSVP, please complete this form. Can't attend? Please get in touch with info@hesct.org with any questions at (860) 461-7637. | |  | HES is hiring! Join our team or share with your networks! To learn more about the open positions & how to submit your application click here http://ow.ly/J55o50J8Rhu | |  | | | | | HES is a non-profit organization located in Connecticut. Our mission is to promote policies, programs, and practices that result in equitable access to health care, increased quality in the delivery of health care, and improved health outcomes for Connecticut residents. | | | | | | The HES team finished reading Black on Both Sides by C. Riley Snorton this quarter. The next book the team will dive into is The Political Determinants of Health by Daniel E. Dawes. Join the HES team in reading this excellent book and share your comments with us! | | | | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | | | |