| “The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.” —Maya Angelou, poet, civil rights activist. | | | | | Health Numeracy – the ability to access, interpret, and use numbers to manage one's health. Literacy and numeracy also depend on the skills, preferences, and expectations of the people providing care, doctors, nurses, administrators, home health workers, and the media. Research shows that low literacy and numeracy are significant barriers to health and are linked to lower rates of prevention and screening, difficulty managing chronic conditions, and higher rates of hospitalization, ER visits, and mortality. Community health workers can ensure people with low levels of health numeracy have the information they need to make decisions about their health. | | | | | | | -
Please note the next state legislative session begins on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 . Meanwhile, all members of the Connecticut General Assembly are up for re/election in November. Have a question? Please reach out. -
Pledge to vote for #HealthEquity this election! Make health equity and health care a factor in your decision when voting. As a health equity voter, you pledge to take action on health equity by LEARNING candidates' positions, RAISING HEALTH EQUITY at candidate forums, & RECRUITING other health equity voters. -
For important voter information, please click here. | | | | | - Haven’t had a chance to attend a community conversation yet? Share your thoughts with us! Your insight will help to inform our 2023 policy agenda and anonymous results will be shared with the Commission on Racial Equity and Public Health—including how you would like to see this newly formed Commission engage the people of Connecticut in its work. To learn more & share, please click here. Help us spread the word! (Twitter; Instagram; Facebook). The URL can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3JWHN25.
- Health Equity Solutions is pleased to announce a new publication: “Connecticut's Path to Equity: A Guide to State Policy for Health Equity.” This roadmap of policy priorities across sectors to promote health equity was created in partnership with organizations across the state. To date, over 40 organizations have signed on to demonstrate their commitment to advancing these policies. For more details & see who has signed on, please click here.
| |  | - Stay tuned for opportunities to take action and a Q&A series coming soon! Questions? Comments? Have a related story? Reach out! We would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, & how YOU are putting Connecticut's Path to Equity into action.
HES strives to ensure our products are accessible to all CT residents! We are listening and welcome feedback! Please don't hesitate to reach out to share any concerns/challenges. -
SAVE THE DATE! GETTING TO SOLUTIONS COMING THIS FALL. | |  | - Join us for the Advancing Racial Equity Symposium! The Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity, & Opportunity (CWCSEO), CT Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC), CT Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Criminal Justice System (REDCJS), Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO), and the Hartford Times (HT) invite you to learn more about racial and ethnic impact statements (REIS) in CT and across the country on Sept. 8 from 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT. For more details please click here.
| |  | | | | If you are having an event and would like HES to partner, please email us at info@hesct.org. | | | | | HES Spotlight Welcome, Cristian & Erika, to the HES team! Please join the HES team in recognizing our incoming Policy & Advocacy Interns, Cristian & Erika. Cristian joins the team as a candidate from the University of Connecticut Master of Public Administration & Master of Arts in Survey Research Programs. Erika joins us from Southern Connecticut State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Public Health Program. | | Wishing former Executive Director Tekisha Dwan Everette, PhD., the best! Thank you for helping us wish former Executive Director Tekisha Dwan Everette the best on her next journey! Photos from Tekisha's farewell party can be found here. | | The TDE Public Health & Leadership Scholarship Fund This scholarship was created to honor Tekisha, her dedication to Public Health, and her remarkable leadership. To those who have already generously sent in your gift, thank you! Please find scholarship qualifications here. If you would like to contribute in honor of Tekisha, please click the link here. Thank you again, our wonderful HES friends and supporters. It was such a pleasure seeing each of you! | |  | | | | HES is a non-profit organization located in Connecticut. Our mission is to promote policies, programs, and practices that result in equitable access to health care, increased quality in the delivery of health care, and improved health outcomes for Connecticut residents. | | | HES Monthly Newsletter Survey We would love to hear from YOU! What would you like to see in the HES Monthly Newsletter? What book recommendations would you like to share? Let us know here! | | | | | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | | | |