November | 2021



Syndemic is the overlapping of an epidemic (large-scale spread of disease) and social and cultural problems. The resulting interactions amplify existing health disparities and create new ones.  

To overcome the current pandemic, we must address the syndemic of COVID-19 and racism. HES puts this into action by engaging with communities most impacted by racism to inform and drive advocacy in support of concrete antiracist policies.

  • The regular legislative session begins on February 9, 2022. 
  • The events of the past two years raised the visibility of racial inequities and catalyzed change. Now we must build on those early steps to move Connecticut further along the path to health equity. Join us in 2022 as we push for anti-racist policymaking that is guided by community voices. 
  • Have a question? Please reach out
  • The Commission on Racial Equity in Public Health held its first meeting on November 17th. The Commission will now form subcommittees and start building a strategic plan for health equity in CT. Watch the recorded meeting here. Watch the recorded meeting here.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act on November 19th. It takes several critical steps to advance health equity, including:
    • expanding the child tax credit and support for home and community-based services,
    • extending increased tax credits for health insurance and making funding for CHIP permanent,
    • allowing Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug pricing and cover hearing aids, and much more.

If you are having an event and would like HES to partner, please email us at

  • If you need to sign up for health coverage or renew your existing insurance, the time is now! Access Health CT's open enrollment started November 1, 2021, and ends January 15, 2022. Click to enroll NOW!
  • On November 16, 2021, our Executive Director, Tekisha Everette, Ph.D., joined the "Accelerating Birth Equity: Moving from Data to Action Virtual Summit," which convened professionals from cross-sector organizations in the U.S. to advance knowledge on policies and programs to advance equity in maternal and infant health. Missed the summit? Find recordings here!
  • Listen to our Director of Policy, Karen Siegel, MPH, discuss Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis on WNPR, “All Things Considered"
  • Giving Tuesday is on the way! Can you believe the year is almost coming to a close? The holiday season is fast approaching & this year, #GivingTuesday is going to be bigger than ever, and we'd love for you to be a part of it with us!
  • Please join Health Equity Solutions on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, for a National Day of Generosity, #GivingTuesday. It's a day where you can positively impact the health of Connecticut residents!
  • If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, please email:
  • Happy Thanksgiving from HES! During this season of gratitude, we want to share how deeply we appreciate you. Our community, partners, & supporters are true champions for health equity!

HES is a non-profit organization located in Connecticut. Our mission is to promote policies, programs, and practices that result in equitable access to health care, increased quality in the delivery of health care, and improved health outcomes for Connecticut residents. 


HES’ final book of the year will be Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America by Ijeoma Oluo. Please read along and send your reading ideas for 2022 to


Health Equity Solutions
53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106
860.461.7637 |

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