| “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” — Mahatma Gandhi | | | | | Meaningful Participation – Meaningful Participation ensures individuals who will be impacted by a policy or program are included in all stages of designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating that policy. It means valuing the knowledge and opinions of community members when making decisions that directly affect them. Meaningful participation can take many forms but always involves sharing power and ongoing communication about which decisions are being considered and how participation influences those decisions over time. | | | | | | | HES Monthly Newsletter Survey We would love to hear from YOU! What would you like to see in the HES Monthly Newsletter? What book recommendations would you like to share? Let us know here! URL: https://bit.ly/3A94WJQ | | | | | -
Voters can request an absentee ballot until November 7th, the day before the election! To request an absentee ballot online visit http://myvote.ct.gov/GetMyAB. -
For important voter information, please click here. -
Please note the next state legislative session begins on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Meanwhile, all members of the Connecticut General Assembly are up for re/election in November. -
Stay tuned for Health Equity Solutions’ 2023 Policy Agenda! Have a question? Please reach out. | | | | | We are proud to share Health Equity Solutions' 2022 Community Conversations Report! Read more here! Whether you participated in this year's community conversations, shared with your networks, interacted with the posts, or provided feedback without attending a session, we truly appreciate YOU! | | A special thank you to our incredible collaborators this summer! Your partnership makes this work possible. -
Libraries: New Haven Free Public Library, Edith Wheeler Memorial Library, Bridgeport Public Library, Ferguson Library, Willimantic Public Library, and the New London Public Library! -
Partners: Ministerial Health Fellowship, Make the Road Connecticut, PT Partners, Nonprofit Accountability Group, and the Hispanic Health Council Are you an organization interested in hosting a Community Conversation in 2023? Reach out to Harley Webley, hwebley@hesct.org for more information. | |  | Other Advocacy Updates! -
Health Equity Solutions, Hartford Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., & the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF) held a virtual discussion on “ Connecticut's Path to Equity: A Guide to State Policy for Health Equity” on Wednesday, September 28. The recording can be found here https://youtu.be/fzdXhABUWb4 for more information. To date, over 50 organizations have signed on to demonstrate their commitment to advancing these policies. For more details & see who has signed on, please click here. - Join the Department of Social Services & Veyo on October 27th from 1-2 PM for non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) Town Hall. For more detail https://bit.ly/3s5mW4l.
- Let's Get Covered! Open Enrollment launches on November 1st, 2022 – January 15th, 2023. You can get affordable health insurance with a
Marketplace plan today. More families are eligible for subsidies this year. Check your eligibility now: https://www.healthcare.gov/screener/. - Calling all CHWs! Please take this survey about your experiences working in clinical settings, local health departments, & community-based social service settings! http://ow.ly/Y39550KVBEv.
- A new nonpartisan Connecticut voter survey shows 78% worry about affording health care & exposes stark disparities by race and ethnicity. More details here https://bit.ly/3sragF4.
- Check out this new report by the Connecticut Oral Health Initiative, Inc. about gaps in oral health access and quality of care for adults who have dental insurance through Medicaid. Learn more at https://bit.ly/3CLQHMm.
| |  |  | Through the generous sponsorship by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Health Equity Solutions in partnership with the Commission Women, Children, Seniors, Equity, & Opportunity (CWCSEO), hosted a series of trainings focused on the importance of racial equity & racial equity tools in combating bias in our policies. Workshop Recordings: http://ow.ly/WWFR50KYhEw. | | | | | If you are having an event and would like HES to partner, please email us at info@hesct.org. | | | | | HES Spotlight Please join us in giving a warm welcome to LaToya Tyson (she/her), Community Engagement Manager! This month, HES had the wonderful opportunity to hold our monthly staff meeting outside! | |  | | | | HES is a non-profit organization located in Connecticut. Our mission is to promote policies, programs, and practices that result in equitable access to health care, increased quality in the delivery of health care, and improved health outcomes for Connecticut residents. | | | | | | | Moving into our last quarter, the HES team has been reading Dare to Lead by Brené Brown. Dare to Lead walks readers through critical and perhaps, sometimes, tough conversations, using brave work and whole hearts. Dare to Lead directly ties into our work here at Health Equity Solutions as we educate, advocate, and agitate for change that ensures every Connecticut resident attains optimal health regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. In brief, if we educate people, we anticipate they will become agitated, and we organize them to advocate. We are looking forward to finishing it in the upcoming months. Join the HES team in reading this excellent book and share your comments with us! | | | | In 2022, HES staff will read one book per quarter for a total of 4 books. Let us know what book recommendations you have for 2023! | | | | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | Health Equity Solutions 53 Oak Street | Hartford, Connecticut 06106 860.461.7637 | info@hesct.org | | | | | | | | |